
Archives → Tag: <span>Olympics</span>

Meb Keflezighi, Boston Marathon, Endurance Magazine, Tamara Lackey

Photographing Meb Keflezighi

Photographing Meb Keflezighi I’ve had the good fortune of photographing Boston Marathon Winner Meb Keflezighi twice now – and both times I was struck by how kind, unassuming and down-to-earth he is. Also very fast for very many miles. If you’re not familiar with Meb Keflezighi, he has not only won this prestigious race but […]

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Creating Portraits of Olympians

    I just wrote this post for Photofocus, a popular photography blog that I write for often (can see past posts I’ve written here).  I’ve had such fun following the Olympics this year, I thought I’d post this to my own blog, too.   The Olympics: A spectacle of possibility, of what it takes […]

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Creating Portraits of Olympians

Olympian Portraits I just wrote this post for Photofocus, a popular photography blog that I write for often (can see past posts I’ve written here).  I’ve had such fun following the Olympics this year, I thought I’d post this to my own blog, too. The Olympics: A spectacle of possibility, of what it takes to […]

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