
Archives → Tag: <span>Nikon D810</span>

around the world in photos, Tamara Lackey Photography, New Zealand

Around the World Photos

Seven Days, Around the World Photos A week ago, I was nominated on Facebook to post a photo of the natural world for the next 7 days, which struck me as taking a mini Around the World photos trip for a week. My gut response to this was twofold: 1. I love photos of the natural […]

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Tamara Lackey, Tamara Lackey Photography

Make Your Mark on Street Orphans in Ethiopia

When we founded Beautiful Together, our 501(c)(3) all-volunteer, non-profit organization focused on supporting children without families, we knew that one of the benefits of doing this type of work would be meeting others who were doing similar work. We knew we would want to partner with a few key organizations and have found that it has […]

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